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Let’s face it, induction days can be a snoozefest. According to multiple industry studies, a staggering 80% of new hires find their induction programs “unengaging” and “forgettable.” We’ve all been there – a sea of faces staring blankly at a PowerPoint presentation, trying to stay awake through a barrage of policies and procedures. But what if we told you that induction days could be a launchpad for excitement and engagement, rather than a yawn-inducing ritual? It’s time to ditch the outdated “Welcome to the Team” spiel and embrace innovative ideas that will leave your new hires buzzing with excitement, eager to dive into their new roles. 

  • Mood Magnet Icebreaker

Forget the awkward “Tell us about yourself” routine. Instead, unleash the power of mood labels! Think “Chill Vibes,” “Energetic Spark,” “Creative Genius,” and let your new crew pick the label that best describes their vibe. It’s a super-fast way to break the ice and gives you a sneak peek into their personalities.  

Bonus tip: Have them write their names next to their chosen mood label. Imagine the fun when you call out “Lazy Susan” and “Chirpy Chitra” – instant connection! 

  • The Induction Bingo Blitz

Turn your induction into a game! Create bingo cards with quirky tasks like “Give a LinkedIn shoutout,” “Introduce yourself to someone from the production floor,” or “Borrow a book from a coworker.” It’s a playful way to encourage mingling and exploring the company. And hey, why not involve the senior leaders? Add tasks where they can participate – it’s a great way to showcase your open and welcoming culture. 

Bonus tip: Find simple ways to gamify your induction sessions. For example: unscramble the next session, or find the words, and more. 


  • Tell Tales, Not Policies

Let’s face it, policies can be a snoozefest. Instead of droning on with rules and regulations, weave in captivating stories! Think about how real-life experiences can illustrate company values and bring your induction to life. Weave these into your session stories. Keeping the sessions anecdotal helps retain the attention of newbies.  

Bonus tip: Need a little help making it visually appealing? Snag a presentation stylist to add some glam factor to your induction deck. Or just explore Design Outcomes by ttc 

  • Create a Cozy Safe Space

New starters need a welcoming environment to feel comfortable and confident. Don’t just throw them in a drab conference room. Liven up the space with interactive elements that reflect your company culture. Think wall murals, motivational quotes, or even a “Prompt Card” station where they can grab a card and participate in an icebreaker activity. The goal is to create a space that feels inviting and fosters connection. 

  • Family Swag for the Win

We all love swag, but let’s get real – it often ends up forgotten in a drawer. This time, think outside the box and include a special treat for the families of your new hires. It could be a personalized note, a company-branded coffee mug, or anything that shows you care about their loved ones too. It’s a small gesture that goes a long way in creating a positive impression and encourages them to share their first-day experience with family, strengthening their connection to the company. You can even think of including a warm and personalized letter from the CEO to the families, expressing gratitude for their support and welcoming their loved one to the team. It’s a touch of class that will leave a lasting impression. 

With these ideas, your induction days will go from “blah” to “bravo!” Get creative, have fun, and create a truly memorable experience for your new team members. 

Ask us for many more engaging ways to make a lasting impression with employees. Explore employer branding services for GCCs with toss the coin


Reshma Budhia

Curious to question everything, driven to try mostly everything! Applying the same for taming AI in marketing.

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